Mixed Results

So it was another derbytastic weekend – with a bout on Saturday and practice on Sunday.

Saturday was great fun! Set up didn’t take as long as at the other venue. I had plenty of time to visit with friends and got to watch the entire first bout before working my ticket shift. M made a couple of new friends who sat with him as they all took turns with his gadgets, Eric was actually working the bout too (this will be covered in a future post), and a non-derby friend came to watch with me. Yay! Both of our teams won by incredible margins and a good time was had by all! After clean up, M asked to spend the night with my non-derby friend leaving Eric and I to head the after party with an overnight babysitter. By the end of the night, we danced, we laughed, we made new friends, had good conversations, and Eric and I stayed out later than we have since M was born. It was an amazing good time!

Because its relevant, I skipped breakfast and barely ate lunch and dinner…oops! Guess I love derby more than I love food 🙂

Getting up for Sunday practice was tough but I had missed last Sunday due to freshmeat practice being canceled so I really wanted to go. I woke up late and ran out the door without so much as a smoothie. Oh big mistake – especially in consideration of how little I ate yesterday. I was exhausted (but not hungover thank goodness) and starving. We started practice with speed and endurance – already my weaknesses but made even worse without food or sleep. My emotional state suffered too. I felt fragile and not at all like myself. I have never checked the clock so often at practice. I was embarrassed and exhausted and sad and I couldn’t wait for it to end. Fortunately, before it was over, I had received some very encouraging feedback and helpful advice from one of the coaches that improved my outlook. I also had a good conversation with some friends before we left that cheered me up too.

So, you win some and you lose some I guess. I’ll know better next time.